ISO 37001
Anti-bribery management system
Bribery undermines trust in the operation of public institutions, distorts market competition, increases public expenditures and decreases state revenues, and threatens the functioning of democracy. Without counteractions, it causes long-lasting, profound economic and social damage that seriously burdens people's lives.
What is bribery?
Bribery is a social phenomenon everybody has heard of during their lives. We can say that it is a phenomenon that creates negative feelings, and it is the well-understood interest of every society to reduce and marginalize this phenomenon. Bribery cannot be handled simply as a criminal act because its consequences point far beyond that.
- undermines the confidence of market participants in the public institutions,
- distorts competition,
- and poses a severe threat to social stability.
The issue of bribery cannot be handled only by legal actions. The organizations have an individual responsibility to contribute proactively to the measures against bribery. The organizations shall show exemplary conduct and be committed to creating a culture of transparency, openness, and compliance.
To this end, ISO developed the criteria of management system standard primarily to:
- provide guidance and assistance for the design, implementation, operation and continual improvement of an anti-bribery management system,
- provide controlling measures for the user that enables them to detect and minimize the risks caused by bribery,
- strengthen the trust in the organization that applies the standard,
- reduce damages, costs and risks resulting from bribery.
- provide a framework for the organization using the standard that enables the employees to detect and prevent bribery activities and, as a result, save considerable costs for the organization.
I am interested in ISO 37001 certification
The structure of the standard that underlies the ISO 37001 anti-bribery management system follows the most popular management system standards (High Level Structure), so it is simple to introduce or integrate it into an existing one.
The standard is applicable in any legal system and includes international best practices. It can be introduced by organizations of any size and activity, operating either in the public or the private sector.
Why is it useful to introduce the anti-bribery management system (ABMS)?
Because the organization declares its commitment to developing and implementing all possible measures to avoid bribery, thus increasing the trust of owners and shareholders, as well as internal and external interested parties.
The certification of the ISO 37001 anti-bribery management system by an external independent third party provides a suitable foundation for preventing, detecting, managing, and reducing bribery.
How can we help?
You can learn more in the certification kit, that comes with an instant gift for you and your partners.
If you are interested in the details of the certification process, you can find a step-by-step description in the Certification Terms and Conditions.
The main steps for obtaining the certificate:
- Information, consultation
- Registration
- Initial audit
- Issue of document
» Integrated management system
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001, ISO 37001
The accreditation documents of CertUnion:
Accreditation document ISO 37001
The documents with the details of the accreditation ISO 37001